Arveson’s hyperrigidity conjecture refuted by Bilich and Dor-On

Boom! This morning Boris Bilich and Adam Dor-On published a short preprint on the arXiv “Arveson’s hyperrigidity conjecture is false” in which they provide a counter example that refutes Arveson’s hyperrigidity conjecture. This is a fantastic achievement! It is one of the most interesting things that happened in my field lately and also somewhat of a surprise, a paper that is sure to make a significant impact on the subject.

(I should say that Adam was kind enough to let me read the manuscript a week ago, so that I had time already to check the details and as far as I can tell it looks correct.)

Let us recall quickly what the conjecture is (for more background see the series of posts that I wrote for the topics course I gave several years ago).

Let A be a unital operator algebra generating a C*-algebra B.

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