Noncommutative Analysis

Category: Expository

Great new set of lecture notes on the Drury-Arveson space

A few days ago Michael Hartz uploaded a very nice set of lectures notes on the Drury-Arveson space, called “An Invitation to the Drury-Arveson Space“. These notes are an expanded written version of the mini-course that he gave in the Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces, which I blogged about a few months ago. I highly recommend these notes, they seem to me the best introduction to the subject (yes, even better than my own survey which is almost eight years old, and definitely better than my old series of blog posts, which I won’t even link to). If somebody wants to start working in the Drury-Arveson today, this seems like the right place to start.

Souvenirs from the children’s room, and the warmest recommendation for an online mini-course

Ilia Binder, Damir Kinzebulatov and Javad Mashreghi have organized a Focus Program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications at the Fields Institute, and this week, as part of this focus program, there was a Mini-course and Workshop on Drury-Arveson Space which I virtually attended (from the “children’s room” in our house, because that’s where we have the internet connection). The workshop is still not over, I have Ken Davidson’s talk to look forward to tonight.

I used to have a section in my blog Souvenirs from … where I would write about my favorite talks that I heard in recent conferences. This exercise helped concentrate during conferences (“hmmm, I wonder who’s going to be my souvenir?”) and also helped me get the most out of great talks after the conference (writing about stuff forces you to actually look up the paper or at least have another look at the notes you took during the talk). In fact, some of the souvenirs I brought home from conferences ended up becoming major parts of my own research program.

“Coming back” from the workshop on Drury-Arveson space, I can report that all the talks are recorded and can be found on the Fields Institute’s Youtube channel. To a certain extent that makes the task of reporting from conferences seem less needed.

Still, I will share my recommendations. And I want to give one very very warm recommendation for the Mini-course that Michael Hartz gave on the Drury-Arveson space. I have been to several minicourses in my life, and I also gave a couple, and I think that I have never seen a better prepared or more motivating mini-course. It was artful! Really, anybody going to work on Drury-Arveson space and the related operator theory should see it.

Here are the talks:

First lecture:

Mini-course on Drury-Arveson space, Lecture 1

Second Lecture:

Mini-course on Drury-Arveson space, Lecture 2

Third lecture:

Mini-course on Drury-Arveson space, Lecture 3

Since it was recorded, I can also put up here a link to my own talk at the workshop “Quotients of the Drury-Arveson space and their classification in terms of complex geometry”:

My talk at BIRS on “Noncommutative convexity, a la Davidson and Kennedy”

Update August 5: here is the link to the video recording of the talk: link.

I was invited to speak in the BIRS workshop Multivariable Operator Theory and Function Spaces in Several Variables. Surprise: the organizers asked each of the invited speakers (with the exception of some early career researchers, I think) to speak on somebody else’s work. I think that this is a very nice idea for two reasons.

First, it is very healthy to encourage researchers to open their eyes and look around, instead of concentrating always on their own work – either racing for another publication or “selling” it. At the very least being asked to speak about somebody else’s work, it is guaranteed that I will learn something new in the workshop!

The second reason why I think that this is a very welcome idea is maybe a bit deeper. Every mathematician works to solve their favorite problems or develop their theories, but every once in a while it is worthwhile to stop and think: what do we make out of all this? What are the results/theories/points of view that we would like to carry forward with us? The tree can’t grow in all directions with no checks – we need to prune it. We need to bridge the gap between the never stopping flow of papers and results, on one side, and the textbooks of the future, on the other side.

With these ambitious thoughts in mind, I chose to speak about Davidson and Kennedy’s paper “Noncommutative Choquet theory” in order to force myself to digest and internalize what looked to me to be an important paper from the moment it came out, and with this I hoped to stop a moment and rearrange my mental grip on noncommutative function theory and noncommutative convexity.

The theory developed by Davidson and Kennedy and its precursors were inspired to a very large extent by classical Choquet theory. It therefore seems that to understand it properly, as well as to understand the reasoning behind some of the definitions and approaches, one needs to be familiar with this theory. So one possible natural way to start to describe Davidson and Kennedy’s theory is by recalling the classical theory that it generalizes.

But I didn’t want to explain it in this way, because that is the way that Davidson and Kennedy’s exposition (both in the papers and in some talks that I saw) goes. I wanted to start with the noncommutative point of view from the outset. I did use the classical (i.e. commutative case) for a tiny bit of motivation but in a somewhat different way, which rests on stuff everybody knows. So, I did a little expository experiment, and if you think it blew up then everybody can simply go and read the original paper.

Here are my “slides”:

The conference webpage will have video recordings of all talks at some point.

A survey (another one!) on dilation theory

I recently uploaded to the arxiv my new survey “Dilation theory: a guided tour“. I am pretty happy and proud of the result! Right now I feel like it is the best survey ever written (honest, that’s how I feel, I know that its an illusion), but experience tells me that two months from now I might be a little embarrassed (like: how could I be so vain to think that I could pull of a survey on this gigantic topic?).

(Well, these are the usual highs and lows of being a mathematician, but since this is a survey paper and not a research paper, I feel comfortable enough to share these feelings).

This survey was submitted (and will hopefully appear in) to the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA) 2019, Portugal. It is an expanded version of the semi-plenary talk that I gave in that conference. I used a preliminary version of this survey as lecture notes for the mini-course that I gave at the recent workshop “Noncommutative Geometry and its Applications” at NISER Bhubaneswar.

I hope somebody finds it useful or entertaining 🙂

The disc trick (and some other cute moves)

This post is about a chain of little tricks that I discovered with collaborators and used in several papers. It is just a collection of simple moves that lets you deduce the existence of a zero preserving map of a certain class between two gauge invariant spaces, given the existence of a map from that class (things will be very clear soon, I hope). These tricks were later used by some other people, who applied it in different settings.

I am writing this post as notes for my upcoming Pizza & Beer seminar talk. The section at the end of the notes contains references and links to papers where this was used.

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